
Marriage is a choice that will affect almost every aspect of your life. It is something which should be thought about thoroughly before choosing to go through with it because it can have long lasting repercussions on other areas of your life.

When you decide to get married many people simply focus on the emotional connection which exists between themselves and their partner. While it is important to have a connection that you feel will fulfill you emotionally, there are other factors which should be considered as well. Some of these things do not fit into the romantic fairytale that is often portrayed by the media surrounding marriage and falling in love, however those that consider these points will be much more prepared for a successful marriage.

Marriage changes the way that you need to deal with your finances. If you or your spouse has debt before the marriage it should be made known and a discussion should take place on how to proceed with the payments. The lifestyle preferences of each partner should be discussed as well. If one partner prefers to live frugally while the other prefers to indulge, it can be the source of many future arguments. Finding a good way to communicate about finances is one major step towards creating a healthy marriage.

For those who have waited to move in together until marriage it is important to discuss the prospect of living together and which boundaries are important to each person. Having open communication about things that are important to each partner and how to accommodate those wishes is important for the overall health of the relationship. If a system has not already been developed it should be addressed before getting married.

Children and future plans are something else which should be discussed by those who are looking to get married. It is one thing to talk about your hopes and dreams while dating and getting to know one another, but it is a good idea to sit down and realistically look at where you would each like to be in five, ten, or twenty years. This can be a major source of strife and is one of the factors which has the power to prematurely end a marriage.

Communication is the key in marriage just like any other relationship. By making sure that there are ways to talk through problems and move past them together you will be able to set yourself up for a fulfilling marriage which will improve both of your lives.

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