Types of Education

In most first-world countries at the moment there is a very standard, popularly accepted route when it comes to education. The assumption for most young people is that if you follow this route you will be successful and ready to accomplish the goals that you set for yourself. Unfortunately this is a little bit too simple to be trustworthy.

Everyone is different and the details of your particular situation should be considered when making a decision, which will have a significant effect on your life in the future. There are a few different routes when it comes to formal education that may or may not be the right choice for you. You might be best served by attending a four-year university while trade school may be a better choice for another person. The goal here is to help you make the right decision for yourself by providing you with the information which will be helpful when it comes time to make a decision regarding your education.


University study is a popular choice for students at the moment. Many choose to attend a top college simply because they were told to apply and received an acceptance letter. Some will benefit most from working hard to get into the school of their dreams however, just like everything else in life, it depends.

University is an option which prepares the student for a couple of different career paths. If you are looking to remain in the academic realm or go into research in almost any field, the right University will be able to adequately prepare you for this path. Those who are interested in many of the Science and Math majors, including Computer Science, will also likely benefit from attending a University which is a good fit for them personally.

The situation becomes a bit more tentative when talking about most of the majors that fall under the liberal arts umbrella. Every subject that you find interesting is worth investigating further and continuing to learn about. The question is whether or not it will be beneficial for you to major in this subject when it comes to your future well-being. It is important to realistically consider the prospect of employment that your major will offer you. There are many jobs available to those with majors in the liberal arts however they often have more competition and there are fewer distinguishing features between candidates. Take the time to decide how hard you are willing to work in order to achieve the position that you desire after you graduate.

Once your have decided that you would like to attend University, you should consider your potential schools. Many students simply attend the highest ranked school that they were accepted to regardless of the other details involved. Your post-collegiate self will thank you immensely for examining the pros and cons of attending a more expensive school. Student loans are something that should not be undertaken lightly and when you are caught up in the excitement of choosing a University it is much easier to rationalize paying an extra couple of thousand per semester. When it comes to the average student the connections that you make while in school will be much more valuable than the schools overall ranking. The exceptions to this rule may include those who intend to apply for medical school or law school after graduation.

Other factors which should be considered revolve around the atmosphere that you will be in once you begin to attend classes. Would you like to live on campus or commute to school? Are there certain extra curricular activities that you would like to partake in and are only offered at certain schools? Through campus visits and other information try to imagine what day to day life will be like for the next four years and make sure that it fits with your goals and preferences.

If you are considering attending a college or university Choosing the Right College 2014-15 will aid in the decision process.

Community College

Community College is a great choice for those who are not able to invest four years worth of time and money into their education at the moment. Receiving an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts for completing the general education requirements will open certain doors for you if you would like to move past the world of formal education, or may transfer as credits at a four-year university.

The benefits of  attending a community college include reduced costs, flexible scheduling, and time to figure out which path you would like to take going forward. Community college is often much less expensive than attending a University. For those who are looking to save money, spending two years at a community college before applying for Universities is a solid choice. The format for community college is also much more flexible. There is less pressure to center your life around your education compared to the University structure. Those who are working full time while attending school will be able to work around their other obligations in order to make the most of their education.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with not knowing what you want to do with the rest of your life when you graduate high school. Some people are lucky enough to have a good idea of the direction they want to take, however most people aren’t as fortunate. If you fall into this camp it may be a good choice for you to spend some time exploring at a community college. You will be able to take classes that you would otherwise not be able and see whether or not any of them interest you. There are less repercussions to exploring in community college compared to a more expensive university setting.

Trade School

For those who are more interested in the practical side of the educational world a trade school is an ideal solution. You will be able to bypass the wide ranging general education requirements of most universities and focus on learning the skills that you will be using in your chosen line of work. Trade schools are good for those who already have a good idea of what they would like to do as a profession and are looking for a direct path to learn the required skills.

There are certain aspects of trade schools which should be considered before jumping in. They do not necessarily offer much in the way of savings when compared to some other forms of education. This is not necessarily a negative aspect for those who will be sure to use the skills they learn in their realm of employment, however this form of education should not be lightly undertaken. Understand the costs that are involved with attending and determine whether or not it is a good investment for your specific circumstances.


Apprenticeship was much more common in the past, however it is still a viable form of education for those who prefer an alternative to formal education. Education is about learning and apprenticeship involves hands on learning of the skills you will require for your desired field of work. Finding someone to teach you these skills can be difficult in some areas however this is one of the most direct and effective ways to learn exactly what you need to know without any of the deviation that occurs in other types of education.

This is an ideal choice for someone who excels with hands on learning and individual attention. You will be able to learn from watching an expert who will be able to teach you the ins and outs of the profession that you have chosen. If you already know which career you would like to enter this may be the most beneficial learning arrangement for you.